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The Art of Storytelling

We all know these moments when you are in front this great storyteller who just takes you over with their story. On the radio while driving, in a cocktail party, or in the conference hall.

It can be an hour long lecture or a 50 seconds story that simply delivers the message and is captivating.

Telling your product’s story is important. Not just any story but a good story, the right story.

So, what is the right story to tell? what is a story that will resonate more than the rest? what is a story that many found interesting? How to tell this story in a way that the audience will open their ears, lean forward, listen all the way through and at the end will smile and say “Wow, that’s a great story”?

Well, in order to write a good story you first have to listen to some good stories... On my day-to-day I talk to so many customers - buyers, end-users, power-users. Before all the features requirements, the technical explanations, the issues and the roadmaps, I ask them to “Tell me your story”. “Tell me simply, what are you trying to achieve?"

I love to write short stories myself and I see great correlation between my PM world and my authoring world. Writing a story and telling your product story rely on the same principles:

  • Theme – What are you trying to deliver? What’s the Idea or Concept you bring with this story?

  • Characters – Who are the main participants in this story? The Personas.

  • Plot – What is happening in the story? How it begins and how it ends? What is the envelope of your product and how it correlates with the ecosystem?

  • Audience – Who will listen or read your story? What is your target Customers and Buyers?

Writing is complicated and the story takes different turns along the way. That’s ok. But while these happen, having these 4 elements always in mind, ensures that the story is structured and coherent.

Now, every story is a bestseller? No! Well, for that you also need some talent and luck...

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